Watermelons are a delicious and refreshing fruit enjoyed by people all over the world. Did you know that they are also a favorite food of birds? In this blog post, we'll look at why birds like watermelons so much and what damage they can do to your watermelon crop.
Birds are attracted to watermelons for a few different reasons. First of all, watermelons are a great source of hydration for birds. They contain about 92% water, which helps keep birds cool and replenish their energy. Watermelons are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, which help birds stay healthy. Finally, watermelons' bright red color is considered attractive to birds. Whatever the reason, there's no doubt that birds love watermelons!
How To Protect Your Watermelons From Birds
The damage that birds can do to watermelon crops is significant. Birds can eat the flesh of the watermelon, leaving only the rind behind. They can also peck at the seedlings, preventing them from germinating. In severe cases, entire crops can be wiped out by flocks of hungry birds. That's why it's important to take steps to protect your watermelon crop from birds.
1. Netting
One of the best ways to protect your watermelon crop from birds is to use netting. Netting can be placed over the top of your watermelon plants, creating a physical barrier that will prevent birds from being able to access the fruit. You can also purchase pre-made bird netting at most hardware or gardening stores.
2. Scarecrows
Another way to protect your watermelon crop from birds is to use scarecrows. Scarecrows are traditionally used to deter birds from entering fields and gardens, and they can be just as effective at deterring birds from eating your watermelons. You can purchase pre-made scarecrows or make your own using old clothes and stuffing them with straw or hay.
3.Noise Makers
You can also deter birds from eating your watermelons by using noise makers. Birds are typically scared off by loud noises, so placing a radio near your watermelon plants or setting up a wind chime near your garden can help to keep them away. You can also purchase commercial bird deterrents that emit loud noises or ultrasonic sounds.
Birds can be a serious problem for watermelon growers. They are attracted to watermelons for their hydration, nutrients, and color. Birds can eat the flesh of the watermelon or damage the seedlings, preventing them from germinating. To protect your crop, consider building a netting around it or using bird scarers or decoys. If you have a serious problem with birds, consult with a pest control expert.